Welcome to the MannaFeast! - Stay Tuned for Our Official Launch, Coming Soon!

The Story Behind Our Name: MannaFeast

MannaFeast combines the words “Manna” and “Feast”.

It is a play on the word Manifest, symbolizing the realization of our vision to create a regenerative livestock farm that celebrates abundance, nourishment, healing, and connection through food.


Our name is inspired by the biblical story of manna, a miraculous food God provided the Israelites to sustain them on their long journey through the wilderness.

Therefore, Manna represents not just physical but also spiritual nourishment of divine origin.

At MannaFeast, we believe that, like manna, good food too can provide more than just mere physical nourishment. It can also be a source of spiritual sustenance.

We hope to inspire you to look at nature as a source of both physical and spiritual nourishment and healing.


The word “Feast” in our name is an invitation for you to gather with your friends and family and enjoy our products together with loved ones. We aim to foster a connection between people, the land, and the food we eat.

We believe in the power of good food to bring people together around the dinner table to create meaningful connections. All the while supporting regenerative agriculture that not only heals the land but nourishes your body and soul with delicious food.

So, whether it’s a family dinner, a gathering of friends, a bid to impress your dinner-date, or maybe just grilling out for Sunday night football - remember to celebrate life through food and be thankful for the miraculous and delicious abundance that nature provides. So, what are you waiting for?

Come MannaFeast with Us!

Healing Land, Body, and Soul...One Bite at a Time!™

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