Welcome to the MannaFeast! - Stay Tuned for Our Official Launch, Coming Soon!

Our Values

Healing - 

Our mission is to heal land, body, and soul… one bite at a time! Our regenerative farming practices build soil, sequester carbon from the atmosphere, and hydrate the landscape. All the while producing delicious nutrient-dense food that nourishes the land and our customers’ bodies. MannaFeast is committed to various conservation efforts to increase biodiversity and wildlife habitat on our farm. This creates a beautiful safe haven for all of nature (and humans). Whether it’s the positive impact we strive to have on our customers, employees, community, or the planet; healing is at the core of everything we do.

Dreaming Big! - 

We begin with the end in mind and know if we envision it; we can manifest it. In fact, MannaFeast is a play on the word manifest. Because of this, we dare to be bold, never conforming, and always looking with our eyes towards the future of agriculture.

Customer Amazement - 

We are grateful for those who believe in our mission and choose to support us in what we do. We want to return the favor and do everything we can to amaze our customers and partners at every turn and let them know we value them; because without them, we would be nothing. Just checkout our satisfaction guarantee!

Synergy - 

"Synergy" may be overused cliche corporate speak but for us it's far more than lip service. We truly believe that when you unleash the collective intelligence, creativity, and passion of individuals you empower them to achieve far more than they could ever accomplish on their own. Because of this we seek like-minded partnerships and passionate individuals who believe in working together towards the common mission of "Healing Land, Body, and Soul...One Bite at a Time". To accomplish this we seek Win-Win collaborations with, and the empowerment of, our employees, strategic partners, suppliers, and yes.. even our customers. It has been said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has".

Transparency -

We don't try to trick or confuse you with misleading labels, green-washed marketing claims, or often meaningless buzz words like "all-natural" or "free range" just so you can be charged more for the same product. We actually go the extra mile to deliver you a truly exceptional product. We have an open door policy here so what you see is what you get. So, don't take our word for it come check out MannaFeast for yourself. We believe in our food and have nothing to hide. After all, it's the food we eat ourselves.

Education and Awareness - 

We strive to advance the movement of regenerative agriculture, showing why it is the future of farming while educating future generations of young farmers to carry on the torch. We also want to engage people more broadly by discussing and building awareness around key issues and topics related to food and farming, including sustainability, nature, cooking, health, and nutrition. You cannot have one without the other and at the center of them all is food. See our blog.

Triple Bottom Line (Conscious Capitalism) - 

We have a triple bottom line here at MannaFeast of People (our customers, employees, and community) the Planet, and Profits. Every business decision we make must take these 3 things into account. We believe conscious capitalism has the power to drive massive positive change in our world and our mission is to use food as the vehicle to do so. Everyday you eat and that means everyday you have the opportunity as a consumer to vote with your dollar and choose what kind of food system you want to support and would like to see for America. 🇺🇸

Aaron Harman

Founding Farmer | MannaFeast

How It Works

Sign Up

Enter your zip code and create your free account for delivery availability and prices for your area.

*If we aren't in your area yet don't worry! Help spread the word and we may start a pickup location or shipping in your area!

*Currently, shipping to (MI, IN, IL, WI, OH)


Fill your cart with our delicious pasture-raised foods. Then, choose how you would like to receive your products. (Home Delivery, Pickup, or On-Farm)

Free shipping on orders over $149+
100% Satisfaction Guarantee


That's it! Your package will soon be delivered to your door or simply meet us to pick up your order on your scheduled pickup date and time. We look forward to seeing you! 😎